Multi-touch attribution modeling
Uses multi-touch attribution models to accurately spread credit across ad platforms, social channels and content marketing
Automatically Tracks Advertising Spend: pulls in campaign spending from Facebook and Adwords to compare performance
Drills down to individual users and events: see real customers with rich histories, not just numbers on a spreadsheet
How Attribution Works
Installing Attribution on its own is similar to installing Segment for the first time. You’ll need to carefully map out your events and user traits to be collected, decide how you’ll use the Attribution JavaScript API to collect that data, and perform the necessary implementations into your products. Implementing Attribution requires some manual additions to your application code for each page and conversion event you want to track.

Get more out of Attribution with Segment
If you are already using Segment, getting started with Attribution becomes very simple and only requires you to type your Attribution Project ID into your Segment settings. Your existing Segment implementation is already collecting all the information that Attribution needs from your application.
Segment’s integration can collect and transform data for Attribution directly from web applications, mobile applications, and server-side Segment implementations. This removes the need for you to manually install any Attribution code in your websites, iOS & Android apps, or server code. You get the benefits of tracking with Attribution, without duplicating the costs and effort associated with adding new tracking code to your applications.
One perk of using Segment to send data to Attribution is that your data set being analyzed by Attribution will be the same data set that is received by your other tools, like email automation, chat, push, ad conversions, etc., since you are standardizing your data collection steps through Segment.
To integrate Attribution with Segment, simply copy your Attribution Project ID from the Snippets Page and paste that key into the Attribution integration in your Segment settings.
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Segment makes it easy to set up Attribution.